Aside from normal aging, medical conditions like brain injury, muscular dystrophy, or stroke can cause slower, shakier, and quieter speech. At Citizens Healthcare Services LLC, we have Speech-Language Pathologists who can help patients: develop their articulation, address swallowing issues, correct slurring, and develop better movement of the jaw, lips, and tongue.
Our speech therapists will primarily focus on:
- Assessment and diagnosis of verbal and non-verbal communication issues and possible rehabilitation
- Educating and counseling the patient and their family about communication and swallowing
- Treating dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
- Treating voice disorders
- Promoting healthy lifestyle practices that can help in the prevention of speech-related disorders
If you have further questions about this service, please feel free to get in touch with us at 469-778-0099. You may also Set An Appointment at your convenience.